International Waters

Quarantine Bras vs Bisexual Goose



Jasika Nicole and Addie Weyrich argue over the important issues, it's Quarantine Bras vs. Bisexual Goose. Team Quarantine BrasJasika Nicole Team Bisexual GooseAddie Weyrich This week, our guests try and guess fake Disney characters, give some motivational speeches and tell us some embarrassing high school stories Jasika Nicole would like to plug her Instagram @Jasikaistrycurious and recommends Project Q. Addie Weyrich would like to plug reading and writing and recommends Avatar the Last Airbender and  Jenson Titus And Finally, Dave Holmes is on Twitter @DaveHolmes and would like to plug Dave on FX We here at Troubled Waters recommend you donate to bail funds, the ActBlue megafunds, Black Table Arts, and Reclaim the Block.  You can find a massive list of various other places that can use your donation HEREFind us on Twitter! We are @TroubledPod and you can also find us on Facebook.Call us on the official Troubled Waters hotline! Our number is 323-300-4984. Our producers will have a new prompt for you to answer