Freed 2 Love Podcast

Episode 55 ~ The Other Side of Unforgiveness (Dealing With Infidelity) ~ Danita Lynne



Listen in as I talk to Danita Lynne.  Danita Lynne is a transformational coach, author of The Other Side of Unforgiveness, speaker and encourager.  She grew up an only child to parents of the silent generation and her mother taught her to always look her best.  She shares her very transparent story of one of the lowest moments when she discovered her husband’s infidelity and confronted him at another woman’s house.  She also shares her process of forgiving him and the tender moment they shared at his fathers funeral.After her faith was shaken to the core, Danita Lynne shows us how she made a plan and followed the steps to forgive.  She says we believe God to fix this (our marriages), but instead she admonishes us to BELIEVE GOD and surrender.  You will want to listen all the way to the end where we share how to break down a stronghold so you can use it to break free too!  Danita Lynne https://www.danitalynne.com