Cleverly Changing Podcast

Together We Learn | Lesson 58



During the pandemic many parents across the world are learning how to adjust with their children being at home. Some are remote schooling and others have embraced homeschooling. Our guest, Patrick Quinn, was a former special education teacher. He joined us on the podcast to give us some home education tips and talk about some resources that we all (homeschoolers and traditional schoolers) can use to assist our kids with their homework.The African proverb for this week's podcast is: (1:22)Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. – Swahili proverbWord of the Episode ( 1:45)"Kutenda" means do or act in KiSwahili from the Kenya and Tanzania.The Grown Folks Section: (2:18)Patrick Quinn is Brainly's parenting expert (a title his wife questions.) He is a former special education middle school teacher, co-founder of Life of Dad and a parent of 3.About is an online peer-to-peer platform that allows children to tutor and help other students their age. There are over 3 million users and parents can s