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Insurance for the Franchising World



Topic: Insurance for the Franchising World Broadcast Date: April 29th, 2021 Broadcast Time : 5:00p EST / 4:00p CST / 3:00p MST /2:00p PST Our guests are: Geoff Raef, Vice President at West's Insurance Agency On the Million Dollar Mentor Segment this week Kristin Selmeczy will give another million dollar mentor tip that has driven success. Ray Pillar, Owner of Molly Maid Aurora-Naperville and Kristin Selmeczy, Chief Business Warrior of Pillars of Franchising as they discuss how to be successful at finding a franchise, identifying funding solutions, the purchasing process, developing marketing strategies and expanding and selling your franchise. David Kajganich, Million Dollar Franchisee Mentor will discuss Get Your Act Together-how to use creative methods to open your dream business. Jerry Akers will be discussing updates on collective bargaining executive order signed by President Biden. Fred McMurray will take everyone Down the Rabbit hole with a question that has been ripped from the