Men Of Abundance

The Secrets To Living A Fantastic Life of Abundance with Dr Allen Lycka



It's difficult, but try to imagine what you would do if all experts said you just had 6 months to live. And then, out of the blue, you learn you have a new lease on life. Could you just imagine the emotions of yourself and your family? Today, you get to follow just that journey. Meet our Feature Guest Dr. Allen Lycka has been acknowledged as one of the leading cosmetic dermatologists globally for three decades. A pioneer in cosmetic surgery, he helped develop laser-assisted tumescent liposuction - an advanced body sculpture technique, and Mohs Micrographic Surgery, an advanced means of removing skin cancer with 99% success. He has lived and practiced in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada since 1989. He’s written 17 books, 30+ academic papers and hosted the number one internet radio show in the world on cosmetic surgery – Inside Cosmetic Surgery Today. He is a co-founder of Doctors for the Practice of Safe and Ethical Aesthetic Medicine and founder of The Canadian Skin Cancer Association. He has won the prestigious Con