Story Divine

Episode 34: It Is Written (Lent 1C)



Story Divine is back! Casey FitzGerald tells the story of Jesus' temptation and more.   Story Prompts: 1) Tell a story about DESIRE. (How did that desire manifest in positive ways? Where did the temptation part of the desire creep in?) 2) Tell a story about a boundary you had to set--a "no" you had to say in order to focus on your primary "yes." (How did you do it? How did it make you feel? How was your life/ministry enhanced by it? Would you make the same choice now?)   Links for the day: Faith and Wonder LENT 1 Check out videos of the temptation along w/ story-learning prompts for all ages  Pulpit Fiction Podcast Casey provides guest commentary on Romans 10 (Thanks, Robb and Eric!)