Vertimax Vive

Dr. Mark Cheng — Move Better to Feel Better



Dr. Mark Cheng is the Founder and Trainer of Tai Cheng and K3 Combat Movement Systems. Through a lifetime of passion, learning, honing, refining, and distilling methods and practices of both the Western and Eastern worlds, Mark has developed a system that helps people move better to feel better. He works with everyone from office jocks to top-performing athletes to C-suite executives, and his aim is to help people get strong, train smarter and feel better in a sustainable way for them.   In this episode hosted by Dan McDonogh, Mark shares more about how he has integrated Eastern and Western philosophies and principles into his work in fitness and training. He explains more about the need for balance in the pursuit of getting stronger and hitting athletic goals — knowing when to train vs when to test, when to apply the gas vs apply the brakes, and knowing when to stop. Mark has many great insights about how we can all move better and things to be mindful of in coaching, training and working with people on thei