The Ultimate Entrepreneur

Show 276 - An Encounter with Tom Phillips (Part 2)



This episode is part two of an interview with Tom Phillips, the founder of Phillips Publishing International. In this episode, Tom talks about how he created a rich company culture and coveted workplace. Tom also shares how he recognized his colleagues and created a fun bonding opportunity between team members. Tom talks about the role of ceremony in business and why the health of the company is his main focus when it comes to bonus structuring, not entitlement. He also explains why it’s important to develop symbols within your company that your team values and understands. You’ll learn why he pays his team more than the average and how his compensation plan works off of a percentage of profits, not a person’s salary. Tune in to hear Tom share a tool he uses called the “Green Sheet”, how he structures his annual report, and who he shares his financials with – and learn why intellectual capital is, and always will be, the most important thing. 00:00 – 08:30 – Creating a rich company culture and thriving work