Fbc Eugene

God In The Dots



If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present, and all-loving, then why do bad and evil things happen in his world? In our present crisis, many are likely wrestling with this question on several levels, and for good reason. The good news is, the Bible does not dodge this thorny issue; it deals with it head on. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, lays the foundation for understanding the problem of evil. In fact, the story of Joseph, covering the entire last half of Genesis, brings the problem of evil to a climactic point of focus that zeniths in the final chapter. This message will not say all that needs to be said about the problem of evil, but it’s foundational to all that can be said. Your heart will be both challenged and encouraged with what may be the most important insight about God and life we can know this side of heaven. Read Genesis 50:20 for this message.