Fbc Eugene

Empowerment Through Discipleship



Our speaker for this sermon is Ron Whisler, who, with his wife Jacqui, serve as Wycliffe Bible Translators in Indonesia. Ron will be sharing with us a great message about empowerment through discipleship. Here's a preview: Jesus was very intentional in calling the twelve disciples. He called them into relationship, creating a community where the disciples could be a part of Jesus’ mobile ministry team. Within this group, Jesus frequently quoted scripture and prayed with many different people. Jesus was a master at training twelve ordinary men, preparing them to be sent out, to lead their own ministry team. They too would quote scripture, pray for those around them, and be a part of God’s redemptive plan to reach all nations with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Within Jesus’ group, there was a sense of accountability and also comradery – a culture for learning, growing and changing the world.