Free Thoughts

The Synthesis of Rights and Consequences



Tom Palmer joins Aaron and Trevor for a discussion on the two most common philosophical justifications for libertarianism.Typically we think of justifications for libertarianism as falling into one of two kinds of categories: consequentialism and rights-based. Are these two justifications necessarily at odds with each other?Tom G. Palmer is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, director of the Institute’s educational division, Cato University, Vice President for International Programs at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, and General Director of the Atlas Global Initiative for Free Trade, Peace, and Prosperity.Show Notes and Further Reading:Immanuel Kant, Groundwork for the Metaphysics of MoralsAristotle, Nicomachean EthicsDavid Hume, A Treatise of Human NatureJohn Locke, Two Treatises of GovernmentJeremy Bentham, A Fragment on GovernmentRandy Barnett, The Structure of LibertyMurray Rothbard, The Ethics of LibertyStephen Pinker, The Better Angels of Our NatureJean-Jacques Rousseau, On the Social Contrac