Full Exposure With Brian Kelly

Brie Stoner - Recording Artist, Writer & Podcaster



Brie Stoner Recording artist, podcaster, writer and mischief maker Rarely have I worked with a person that arrives at my studio with fully formed and brilliant portrait concepts that are as ready to go for the camera as Brie Stoner does. Brie has been an absolute force every time I’ve worked with her and our portrait shoot for this podcast episode was no exception. Brie Stoner is a recording artist in Avila with her collaborative partner Daniel Johnson as well as her own solo music projects. Brie’s also a podcaster, writer, seeker and mischief maker. You may know her from the globally popular podcast “Another Name For Everything” that she co-hosts with Paul Swanson and famed Franciscan priest and author Richard Rohr. We talk about her growing up in my favorite country of Spain, the intersection of creativity and spirituality, her forthcoming podcast “Unknowing” and so much more… Follow Brie Stoner on Instagram and Facebook Follow Avila on Instagram and Facebook This episode is made possible by: Metro H