Foundation Church

False Accusations and A Fierce Response



Jesus’ fame has spread so much that he is now being openly opposed by the Scribes from Jerusalem, we get to see how he responds to their outrageous claims and from it we learn how we are to respond when we are attacked, falsely accused and misrepresented. Discipleship Questions: Why do you think Jesus is so heavily opposed by the religious leaders of his day? Have you been falsely accused of something? How did you respond, and how was your response different to Jesus’ response? Why is it so important to remember what Jesus has done for us when we have been misrepresented and falsely accused? When have you been guilty of either beginning a attack on someone or fueling the fire by gossiping about it? Have you repented of this sin, to God, and to the person? What is your understanding of the ‘Un-forgiveable sin’? Explain.