Foundation Church

Familiar Unbelief



We will all struggle with unbelief at some point in our life. In this sermon Jesus travels back to his hometown to evangelize the people he grew up with and is met with some hostility, where does this hostility come from and how do people so close to Jesus have such a hard time believing his message? The answer is much closer to home than we might like to realize. Discipleship Questions: 1. Can you remember a time you were so familiar with someone so ordinary that you struggled to believe they were doing something amazing? Explain. 2. Why do you think the people in Nazareth were so offended by Jesus? 3. Have you faced a time in your life when people didn’t believe your message because they were so familiar with you? Explain what happened. 4. In what areas of your life do you struggle with unbelief? 5. How do Paul’s words in Romans 8:32 encourage you to put your faith in God?