Foundation Church

True Humility



Pride is a deeply rooted and painful reality of our sinful condition, and each one of us is affected significantly by it. Pride’s polar opposite is humility, something that Jesus set’s us a perfect example in. How do we then confront pride in our life with Jesus as our perfect example? Discipleship Questions: 1. Explain the time in your life when you were the most prideful, what was the effect your attitude had on the relationships around you? 2. Did your pride end in destruction? What did that look like? 3. Examine your life right now, what are the greatest temptations to fall into the sin of pride? 4. What does it look like for you to love and receive into your life someone who is considered ‘insignificant’? 5. How does Jesus example of humility as outlined in Philippians 2:3-11 impact you?