Foundation Church

How To Inherit Eternal Life



Jesus is confronted by a very ambitious young man who has an almost spotless resume of good works and law keeping. But this young man get’s far more than he bargained for when Jesus tells him what he must do to inherit eternal life. So what does this mean for us if we are serious about our desire to inherit eternal life? Discipleship Questions: 2. What are some incorrect caricatures of Jesus you have held to in your past? How were they challenged and changed as you grew in Christ? 2. Why does keeping the first commandment ensure that you will keep the other nine? 3. What would Jesus tell you to give up if you were standing in the 'Rich Young Rulers' place? 4. Why is idolatry a big deal? And why would it keep you from inheriting eternal life? 5, Practically what changes do you need to make in your life right now to be faithful to Jesus and follow him alone?