Foundation Church

Determined Sight



As Jesus closes his journey to Jerusalem he passes through the city of Jericho where the crowd presses around him. In this chaos, we see that he is active and powerfully at work healing a man named Bartimaeus. Please listen as we learn from Bartimaeus' story, and the players in this account of Jesus’ mighty work. Discipleship Questions: 1. In the passage of scripture we studied (Mark 10:46-52), what is the one detail in particular that stands out to you, why? 2. When have you acted as a scoffer? Why do you think you did this? Have you repented? 3. When was the last time you were encouraged by someone? What effect did it have on you? 4. How do you think you can grow as an encourager? 5. Have you felt like Bartimaeus? How did God respond to you?