Foundation Church

The Arrival of The King



Jesus’ arrival to Jerusalem marks an important point in the Gospel of Mark. Not only does Jesus ready himself for his coming death, but the nation of Israel also greets their coming King with no true understanding of his purpose or true mission. This passage fulfills many of the messianic prophecies in the Old Testament and is a powerful picture of Jesus’ revelation of his true messianic identity. Discipleship Questions: 1. Read Mark 11:1-11. Why do you think Mark was so descriptive in his recollection of this event? What stands out to you in this passage? 2. What might Jesus be asking you to lay down in your life so you can honor him as King? 3. What is the significance of the crowd shouting “Hosanna” as Jesus enters Jerusalem? 4. Have you asked Jesus to save you? How did he respond? 5. Is Jesus King of your life? How would anyone know?