Amazing If

#197 How to manage your distraction downfalls



Helen and Sarah are back together for this week’s podcast, discussing a much requested episode on how to manage distractions! They talk about why we get attracted to distraction and how to manage your reaction so it doesn’t get in the way of you doing your best work. Expect 30 minutes full of helpful tips and ideas for action to take control of your distraction downfalls.The @amazingif community on Instagram also shared lots of their tips too:@syllerim – disable notifications, set specific times of the day for repetitive tasks like emails/checking messages,@kooijchristina leave your phone in another room when you need to do some deep work@smileykirstie – listen to training/self-development which on a walk to stay focused (also makes the same walking route less dull)@sophie_grundy – listening to music and put phone away@hayleygoddard – reframe distraction (its just a different form of the interruptions we would have had in the office). Create short bursts of time when some distraction is ok – that social scrol