Amazing If

#198 How to develop your transferable skills



Transferable skills are often talked about as the answer to a resilient career. However it's such a big topic area that the specific action you need to take isn't always clear. In this episode, Helen and Sarah make transferable skills practical and personal to you. They talk about how to align them to your career possibilities, how to go from an 'uber' skill like communication to a 'sub skill' like listening and where to invest your efforts and energy to make improvements.There are lots of resources to support this episode. Head to and search for episode 198.If you'd like to join PodPlus, a live learning session with Helen and Sarah on the topic on transferable skills you can register at The live session will be at 9am on 11/02/2021 and you can also watch back a recording of the session at a future date.Stay in touch with Helen and Sarah @amazingif on instagram or via email at  See