Reality Check With Jeanne Allen

Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest on NC Education, Opportunity & the Economy



Dan Forest’s role as Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina includes much more than the traditional responsibilities of his office -- this week on Episode 38 of Reality Check with Jeanne Allen, Forest talks about making education a priority, using funds effectively and working in and out of the business, education and technology sectors to create a more fluid economy in his state, from encouraging advances in innovation to working in the statehouse to help policy work for every community. Dan Forest has served as Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina since January 2013. Prior to becoming Lieutenant Governor, he received two degrees from the University of North Carolina Charlotte (UNCC). After college, Dan became a leader in the business community for over 20 years, having served as office president and senior partner of the state's largest architectural firm - Little Diversified Architectural Consulting. Dan has been designated as an Architect Emeritus. A father of four, he and his wife, Alice, reside in Wake