Sasquatch Watch Radio

Sasquatch Watch Radio Welcomes Back Dan Baker



Join us Tuesday night September 1, 2015 at 9pm eastern as we welcome back Dan Baker to the show!  Back in 1967, Dan watched the eventing news with his parents of a short video of two Cowboys in California that showed a very large creature walking down a creek bed and disappear into the forest.  As a 12 year old boy, he was totally amazed and very curious ofwhat he saw.  Dan grew up playing in the woods with his best friend. They spent countless hours out there.  One day they came across a very large dome shaped structure that they could both fit into. They used it as a ready made fort for about two weeks. One day when they went out there it was completely gone.  As young boys they had no idea of the significance of their fort.  It wasn't until many years later as an adult he found out what it could have been and it lit a fire in him.  Dan began doing research online at first and then joined a bigfoot group and started going into the field.  As time went on and he gained more knowledge and experience, he found