Serpentine Galleries

On Practice: Walking



On Practice: Walking asks how does walking shape our experience of the city? How can it be used as a tool for resistance and change? Featuring artist Sam Curtis’s Changing Play project with children from the Portman Early Childhood centre, Which Way Now? alongside interviews with anthropologist Tim Ingold, campaign group Voice of Domestic Workers and writer Katouche Goll. In this episode of On Practice we highlight the work of two of our long-term partners, The Voice of Domestic Workers and The Alliance for Inclusive Education, ALLFIE.  The Voice of Domestic Workers, is a grassroots organisation made up of multi-national migrant Domestic Workers in the UK.  They work to empower migrant domestic workers to stand up and voice their opposition to discrimination, inequality, slavery and all forms of abuse. You can read more about their support network, campaigns here, donate here, or support by purchasing their new Our Journey book ALLFIE is a Disabled people-led organisation in the UK. They campaign for the ri