The Bradley Wiggins Show By Eurosport

Marc Hirschi breaks to claim Tour redemption, while the battle for the Green Jersey is far from over



Today Brad is all on his lonesome but that doesn't mean he's anything less than 100% committed when it comes to analysing another intriguing stage of the Tour de France. Stage 12 saw 22-year-old Marc Hirschi emerge victorious at the third attempt in this year's race.For Brad Hirschi "rides with the confidence of someone who has been a professional for ten years" and he doesn't think the rising star is finished yet.As well as Brad's musings on Hirschi's victory we also hear from Fabian Cancellara, who Brad calls one of the best time-trialists of his generation, as he spoke to Eurosport's Orla Chennaoui after the stage. At the age of 39 Cancellara has seen it all in cycling and he knows that there will be bad days ahead for his young team-mate. However, Thursday evening is not one of them and Cancellara was full of praise for the work his young colleague has put in as well as his positive attitude. As Cancellara says today Hirschi's "life has changed because he won a Tour de France stage during his first time c