Hocus Potus

Hocus POTUS Episode 17



“Piss and Vinegar (mostly Piss)” or ‘Steve-Bob Crankypants” Despite a DNC convention widely acclaimed as positive, polished and professional, Steve does his best impression of the angry not-so-young man, spewing a non-stop stream of invective and displaying why our humble little podcast so richly deserves the red “E” rating. Mostly, Steve is angry that regardless the Donald’s flaws and a successful convention, Dave and other moderate Republicans are still unwilling to accept Hillary as a viable alternative. The fellas discuss whether “shrill” is a code word for sexist and break down the convention including Barry’s oral mastery (we did that one for the hashtag) and the most famous Khan since William Shatner chewed scenery in the Genesis cave. Also, we frame the debate going forward on the philosophical question of whether America is going to prefer a candidate whose character they don’t trust, or a candidate whose judgment hey don’t trust.