Hocus Potus

“A-Tisket A-Tasket, We Talk of Hillary’s Basket” (with apologies to the late great Ella Fitgerald)



After a long layoff and a lost episode the Jersey boys dive into lively argument faster than forks into the meatball dish at Sunday dinner. Steve doubles down on the “basket of deplorables”, faulting HRC for apologizing when she was right. Dave on the other hand, thinks that she made a huuuge mistake in attacking “deplorable” people rather than “deplorable” ideas. Steve chafes at the criticism of her health while Dave points out that it is not necessarily her health that is the issue but the 5 different stories about her health and departure from the Ground Zero ceremony floated by the campaign, culminating in a mystifying 3 day delay in disclosing a prior diagnosis. Steve goes on his trademark rant on the new round of allegations (some say observations) as to Trump and both guys agree, and lament, that the race has become a student council popularity contest between 2 really unpopular kids. Where is Reese Whitherspoon when you need her?