Aly And Andrea

Clear Simple Marketing with Heidi DeCoux



Heidi DeCoux has built several successful business from her home in South Minneapolis, and helps other small business owners in the U.S. and Canada to do the same. She got her start as a Professional Organizer with a line of products and services, but quickly incorporated Productivity Coaching when she realized the common issues surrounding disorganization and lack of productivity. Her audio program "Power and Accomplishment" has helped hundreds of clients disappear barriers and establish effective practices and ways of being. As Heidi's businesses grew, her clients began asking, again and again, "How'd you do that?" This question indicated an unfulfilled need in the marketplace. She still creates and sells products, but now she spends most of her time maximizing the efforts of small business owners by automating their processes, and implementing effective online marketing strategies that produce measurable results, passive income streams, and bigger profits. To stay connected to Heidi DeCoux: Facebook: Clear