Self Mastery Radio With Robbie Cornelius

Moving Beyond a Victim Mentality, Politics, Religion & Skin Color



At some point in the evolution our your journey, you have to move beyond the limitations of victim mentality, politics, religion and skin color.  Self Mastery Radio has been helping people eliminate their victim mentality since 2011. Every podcast, article, product or service we offer is to remind you of just how powerful you are. We believe that life can be wonderful mentally, emotionally & financially. Self Mastery Radio - A Podcast for The Spiritually Independent. Self Mastery Coach, Robbie Cornelius, is here to help you "Become the Life You Want to Experience." Instead of trying to follow the exact path of someone else, we are here to assist you in discovering and living your own unique path. Get ready to trade in your poor perception of reality for a brand new rich perception of unlimited possibilities. Release the mental, emotional, and spiritual baggage that has weighed you down. Learn to harness the power of your mind. Connect with the Essence of Life. Increase your sense of self-worth. Expre