Cleverly Changing Podcast

Learning to Love Math | Lesson 16



Math doesn’t have to be hard, in fact some people love math. It also shouldn’t be frustrating but in order to learn with ease, a strong foundation is needed. In today’s episode, we discuss how parents can give their kids a strong foundation and how kids can learn to love math. Intro (00:00) Mathematics had a huge influence on Ancient Africa. In fact, the earliest measuring stick (the Lebombo Bone) that was ever found was found in ancient Kemet. The game mancala gets its origins from Ethiopia. If you want to learn more about mathematics in ancient Africa check out this youtube video Manu Ampim: “Classical African Contributions to the World in Math & Science“ Further reading about Math in Africa: Bangura, Abdul Karim. African Mathematics: From Bones to Computers.  Gerdas, Paulus. On the History of Mathematics in Africa South of the Sahara. Zaslavsky, Claudia. Africa Counts: Number and Pattern in African Cultures 3rd Edition