Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

Green Screen HVAC Filters with Gay Harris



We have Gay Harris as our guest for today's podcast. Gay and her husband, Mickey, are the founders and owners of a company called Superior Air Quality, and they are the suppliers of Green Screen HVAC Filters.   How it all started Mickey and Gay have been working together for years. A while back, when they were both working for a company that was doing some insulation work in Austin to create better airflow in attics, the original owner of Green Screen came and spoke to them about adding the Green Screen as one of the products on their tool belt. They decided to accept the offer, and from then on, the Green Screen business just grew and grew. Gay and Mickey became the sales managers for the business, and they ended up working for the company for nine years. Then, about three-and-a-half-years ago, the original owners asked Gay and Mickey to take over their business because they wanted to retire. Gay and Mickey have been committed to the Green Screen for more than twelve years now. What the Green Screen is, and