More Than Movies

S04E23: Best Movies You Only See Once, Trailers & Trivia too!



Top 3 Turf War - 00:29 This week we come up with the definitive list of the top 3 Best Films You’ll Never See Again What’s new with us!  - 19:02 Ivana & Jay get caught up.  Quarantine Games - 22:12 You can only pick one movie per year from the last 20 years… and sorry, it’s really hard Trailer Trash - 41:44 Theme is trailers that make you smile Happiest Season : Saved by the Bell - Freaky - Next week join us, as we watch In the Loop (2009) Outro - 56:25 We really appreciate that you’ve taken the time to listen to our first podcast, and we really want to hear from you, good or bad!; facebook/morethanmoviespodcast; Thank You! The talented voice, SFX and music artists have made our show possible and we owe them a HUUUUGE thank you. Darren Osborne, Announcer & Voice Artist Leslie Seiler, Comedian & Actor - &nb