Bill Sharon

Paul Hesling Interview, What Needs To Go Right with Bill Sharon



Paul Hesling, founder of discusses the current economic crisis from the perspective of the UK. In his own words:“Working as a freelance copywriter and marketeer, a chance meeting in London in 1994 opened up the veritable can of worms that is the global banking system and the corrupt and unethical practices that lie at the heart of it. This revelatory information transformed my understanding of everything I had known, or thought I knew up to that point. Working further with this contact revealed ever more information but also much deception and betrayal followed which damaged many good people. Since 2000 I have been the dog with the proverbial bone, chewing through masses of research, first in an attempt to understand just what and who it was I and others had upset so much and second, to understand and integrate all the areas which work as one to retard the empowerment of the individual. As this has become clearer, the current task at hand is to now connect with others to work towards