Dave Dodge

Why Stress is in the "Eye" of the Beholder - Method of the Month - The Sedona Method



In this, Dave's Premiere Show, he will tell you why Stress is in the Eye of the Beholder and why we all have our own unique "Stress Signature" that we've been conditioned to and now automatically respond from as we go through life. The more dysfunctional our childhoods, the stronger our Stress signature and the more susceptible we are to Stress, and the consequences thereof, later in life. If gone unchecked, this conditioning can and will cause dysfunction in every area of our life (i.e., mental, emotional, physical, financial, career-wise, relationships at home, work, and socially, and can even cause illness, disease and early death). However, ALL IS NOT LOST! YOU ARE NOT DESTINED TO STAY DYSFUNCTIONAL IN ANY OF THESE AREAS! Dave will tell you about some Cutting-Edge therapeutic methods that will Release this conditioning over time and he will demonstrate one of these methods to you on this show (as he will in each of his shows). The intention of the method he will demonstrate on this show (The Sedona Metho