Dave Dodge

"Eliminate the Negative and Accentuate the Positive" - Method of the Month - Bilateral Stimulation



To "Eliminate the Negative and Accentuate the Positive" is the main purpose and focus of this Stress Buster Radio show, as well as all following shows, where I am going to be demonstrating actual therapeutic methods that you are going to be able to apply to yourself to your RELEASE your Stress, no matter what form it takes, be it anxiety, worry, fear, anger, depression, guilt, physical pain, weight problems/overeating and other food issues, drug/alcohol abuse, smoking, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on. The methods that I'm going to be teaching you are the same therapeutic methods I use in my Psychotherapy Practice and, to top it off, you will be able to apply these methods to yourself to RELEASE your Stress however it shows up. As the song made popular by Bing Crosby in the 1940's says, "You've got to spread joy up to the maximum - Bring gloom down to the minimum" and that's what we're going to be helping you to do, one show at a time. Scrooge is getting with the program. How about you? Over the cours