Dave Dodge

What if Your Anxiety is not your DNA and, thus, not your Destiny? - Method this Month - E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique)



Do you have anxiety? Would you let go of your anxiety if you could? If so, do you believe that it's possible that you can do that without medication and years of therapy? Or are you trapped in the medical model's traditional belief that if you have anxiety you must have the gene to be that way and therefore, doomed to a life sentence of taking medication in order to get any kind of relief from your symptoms? Are you now or were you ever in therapy for your anxiety? Are you getting (or did you get) the results that you're looking for? Are you getting to and resolving/releasing the "roots" of your issues related to your anxiety so you can be free of it? And, if not, are you open to believe that its possible to find newer, more effective methods that will help you release your anxiety once and for all? Well, on this show we're going to be talking about, #1 - how it's already been proven that your genes are not your destiny and that the"control" of life is not in your genes. And, #2 - that there are a number of