Coach Camille

The Success Hour with Coach Camille- Close out the year with a bang!



I'm back! After a summer hiatius taking care of Mom and some other things.. we're back on the air and ready to help you finish out 2009 with a bang!This show is a 60 minute series on various topics relating to success in life, including mindset for success, universal laws and principles and much more. Interviews with guest speakers and authors and Q and A. If you want to be more,do more and have more in your life and do it with ease... you'll want to listen! On occassion I will be joined by my good friend Greg Norman, radio talk show personality and founder of Universal 7 Radio. Tonight I'll be discussing the last 100 days of 2009 and the exciting challenge that brings for you. The Fall equinox is upon us and it's time for change! If you are ready to kick it up a few notches and move your life in the direction you want it to go... listen in!!