The Ultimate Entrepreneur

260 - Sticking Point Solutions & Business Breakthroughs with Tony Robbins (PART 3)



This episode is part three of a three-part series where Tony Robbins and Jay Abraham help an audience of entrepreneurs breakthrough their most critical business challenges. Whether you need creative ways to find new clients or want to leverage what’s already working in your business, you won’t want to miss the wisdom Jay and Tony share in this episode.Hear the masters break down long-game strategies, preemptive value creation, and integrated partnership techniques so you can get the most out of everything you’ve already got. You’ll learn the importance of target marketing and precisely defining your ideal client—so you can speak directly to their needs in a way that compels them to act fast. Learn how businesses around the world have put Jay and Tony’s principles into practice, and discover ways to leverage their lessons to skyrocket your profits and build the business of your dreams. Jay wants to mentor YOU with his exclusive Mastermind Mentoring Program available online at Abraham University, check it out