The Ultimate Entrepreneur

265 - The Story of Jay Abraham



In this episode, Jay gets interviewed by Mike Kim, a business coach and marketing strategist who specializes in personal branding, product launch strategies, and copywriting. Mike is the host of the Brand You podcast and gets coaching and actionable insights from Jay in this episode. Jay shares the three ways entrepreneurs get in their own way and reveals what to look for in your competitive landscape so you can rise to the top. You’ll learn how to find powerful partnerships, the model Jay used to establish great brand currency, and how he leverages positioning when it comes to creating impactful and lasting brands.Listen in to discover how Jay pushes past mental plateaus, why he’s passionate about programming the client adventure with intention, and how he breaks down the duality of benefits for entrepreneurs and clients—and learn how to elevate your game with testimonials and referrals. 00:00 - 08:00 - The three ways entrepreneurs get in their own way, the moral responsibility of entrepreneurs, and what to