Men Of Abundance

060: The Men Who Put Woobies On Your Feet with Anthony Aguiniga



Many of us would like to believe we know exactly what's in store for our future. We even want to believe we have control over what's to come. The fact is, we have little to no control of the circumstances, obstacles and struggles we are going to face. You've heard it before, "It's how you react to those struggles that's ultimately going to get you to where you want to be in life." Anthony Aguiniga certainly knows struggle and his abundant and resilient mindset has taken him places he never imagined for himself. ()This is an amazing story about a couple of Special Forces Soldiers doing what they do best, "adapt and overcome". Woobies was conceived in a bar over a few drinks by Anthony Anguiniga and Matt Mrwik. They took an idea conjured up over a few drinks to a very abundant for purpose business. But the Tony's story up to that point is what we get into today. Anthony Aguiniga s the Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Woobies LLC.