Men Of Abundance

071: Recovering From Cancer a 6 Figure Income and Age Discrimination to A Life of Abundance with Jim Bannon



You know I love hearing about all the different vocations, jobs and ways to make more than just an income. I love to hear about the ways people are making a true living by doing amazing things and adding value to our community. Our feature guest today has one I've never heard of or even considered. Jim Bannon is a Call2Action specialist. I know many of you have heard of a call to action. But wait until you see Jim's Call2Action symbol and how he brings your offline market, online. I invite you to get in the conversation and learn more about how you can live your life of abundance. (Join our Community) - ( [spp-timestamp time="5:16"] So, where are you at in the World? Phoenix Arizona [spp-timestamp time="6:11"] 's Attitude of Gratitude Cancer Survival for 4 members of my family. [spp-timestamp time="7: