Men Of Abundance

076: Living a Life of Significance and Abundance with Aaron Walker



Today I have a conversation with the very first repeat guest to Men of Abundance, Aaron Walker "Big A". I really enjoy talking with Big A and I know you're going to totally dig this conversation. Today we are going to talk about some of what he's sharing with the world in his upcoming book "View From The Top - Living a Life of Significance". In this episode we talk about everything from Success to significance, relationships, making massive money, and the creating boundaries in your life and on Facebook. [spp-tweet tweet=""I want to learn to be content and happy in the moment"  - Aaron Walker"] Aaron Walker is without question a veteran entrepreneur. Starting his first business at 18 and selling to a Fortune 500 company nine short years later demonstrates Aaron’s passion for succeeding. Unwilling to rest on past success Aaron started, bought and sold eight successful companies over the past 37 years. Having a strong desire for personal development has kept Aaron in a weekly mastermind group for