Men Of Abundance

082: Is Life Happening To You or For You? 5 Minute Aloha Friday on this Memorial Day Weekend



Aloha Men of Abundance. So which is it? Is life happening for you or to you? Share your comments below. Life does happen. And yes, at times, life does not happen the way we would prefer. Family members die, Jobs are lost, businesses fail, some have tragic events in their life. Any or all of these events may have happened to you. In fact, many of them happened to me. Several times. You've heard the saying "What matters is what happens after those events that will make you or break you."Well, it's true. It's not easy to recover from any of these tragic events. But what makes it much easier is a support system. Every single Abundant Leader I've ever talked to, like all of my Men of Abundance guests, have been many through tragic events. All of them are still dealing with the baggage that comes with the diversities of life. And all of them are doing so with the assistance of a support system of some type. I want you to know, our (Men of Abundance Community) and Men of Abundance