Women-heart To Heart

Parenting ~ Loving It Again



“Parenting – Being Parent”The desire to become a parent lives in the hearts of many as we approach adulthood.  The vision of having our own little ones, aspiring to raise them to their greatness can sometimes be lost through the day to day tasks of parenting.  The journey along the way brings love, joy, fear, and can bring many challenges.  Belanie’s unique approach to Being Parent brings new opportunity and clarity to this journey.  We will address the issues of raising teens, handling conflict between parents, merging families, dealing with loss through divorce, and completing grief as a parent of a deceased child.  Women-Heart to Heart brings 4 weeks of guidance with 2 incredible women as they move from "doing parenting" to "being parent".  You’ll see how these simple, yet unique techniques can free you from parenting woes, fears and guilts. Along the way, we will share with you additional guests that have applied these practices over a period of time and seen the success in their own lives and families.