Women-heart To Heart

Having More In Your Relationship with Dad!



Do you have any of these thoughts or feelings about your relationship with your Dad?•Dad just doesn’t understand me.•I can only take dad in small doses.•My relationship with dad is so surface.•I can never do it right when it comes to dad.•I love dad but we just don’t see eye to eye.•I wish I knew my birth dad.If one of these statements represents how you see your relationship with your dad and deep down, past all the hurt and upset, you really would like to have a more loving, understanding and intimate relationship, then do not miss this 4 week series as our guests tackle these very same issues. You’ll go away with clarity and the possibility of having more in your relationship with dad than you ever dreamed possible. Yes, regardless of how you currently feel about him, there is possibility for more…come get your relationship on track in time for an awesome Father’s Day and every day after.