Wilde About Wellbeing

The Boundary Between Understanding and Condemnation: How to Be An Empath Without Condoning Bad Behaviour



HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE CAPITOL RIOTERS’ ACTIONS, WHILST CONDEMNING THEM.   I’ve found it hard to reconcile my feelings about the insurrection at The Capitol.   I see each and every one of those rioters as gaslit, misled by a desperate man out of his depth. When any of us are lied to, we become VICTIMS of those lies.   If we act heinously on those lies, do we remain victims? This was the question I kept asking myself.    I believe that the rioters were victims of Trump’s hate speech and lies… HOWEVER… The violent acts they committed - the theft, the bloodshed, the murder, those cannot be condoned.   We each have FREE WILL.   Whilst we can be manipulated to believe lies, we still get to CHOOSE our reactions. Those rioters may have believed VP Pence could overturn Biden becoming president (he couldn’t)… They may have believed in the ‘election fraud’ (of which there’s no evidence)… Those things would understandably piss them off.   But they chose to take their anger and turn it into violence.   I have to remind my