Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat hosted by Libbe HaLevy



Interview with Gene Stone of ROSE (Residents Organized for a Safe Environment) on upcoming San Onofre/NRC hearings in San Clemente; Oct. 1 anti-nuke rallies planned in NYC and around the country - join in or form one!; North Anna exceeded design stats during east coast quake (we scooped the LA Times on that one); Fort Calhoun almost flunks safety; water leak shuts Connecticutt's Millstone reactor; NRC votes w/President Obama to shut Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump, but Republicans in Congress vow to fight this sudden outbreak of nuclear sanity; Fukushima sea radiation at least 3x higher than estimated...and increasing; Japan's government wants to stop citizens from taking thir own radiation measurements; Japanese seniors volunteer for Fukushima clean-up; effects of fallout on in-utero infants; and what Adm. Hyman Rickover told Congress about nuclear energy.