Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

San Onofre/NRC hearings a debacle, TEPCO admits its emergency manual "useless"



Report on NRC hearings on San Onofre in San Clemente, including on-site interiew with Gene Stone of Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE); Radioactive water found beneath Hatch reactor in Georgia; GE Hitachi says 35 US nuclear reactors could fail during quake; North Anna semantic manipulation point to restart soon whether it's proven safe or not; nuke industry group sent $580,000 lobbying federal officials in second quarter 2011; Los Alamos clean-up claims toxed land will soon be suitable for residential development; TEPCO admits its own nuclear accident manual "useless;" mutant rats found in Tokyo; zeolite for health and radiation mitigation; activists blockade Hinkley Pint power station in UK; and approval of South Texas power plants delayed to allow full hearing on plant's foreign ownership - which is illegal.