Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Interview w/Barbara George, Women's Energy Matters, Marin County, CA



Interview with Barbara George of Women's Energy Matters of Marin County, Ca; radiation news from Japan, including compromises to the food chain in plankton and rice; TEPCO muzzles anyone who wants to work for them and makes workers who accept a "danger bonus" of 10 euros ($13.50) an hour give up the right to sue later if they get sick; TEPCO shorts evacuees, cutting monthly payments from the equivalent of $1,300 to $650; crack found in nuclear reactor head in Ohio; new reactor design for Florida provokes "non-concurrence statement of dissent" from the NRC's lead structural reviewer; Interfaith Peace Walk from Diablo Canyon; Prof. Christopher Busby offers video on supplementation; and a surprisingly relevant 51-year-old quote from President John F. Kennedy.