Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Japan Almost Nuke-Free, NRC Licenses 4 More Reactors



Japan down to only 6 of 54 nuke reactors on line... and still no blackouts! Japanese Nuclear Accident Minister admits nuclear fuel may have leaked out of Fukushima and that exposure to radioactive materials increases the risk of cancer; gift certificates and pandas for Sendai City? In the US, safety violations and accidents at 3 nuclear reactors doesn't stop NRC from licensing four new ones; Arthur D. Little study of German nukes shows power costs waaaaay more expensive than first believed; baking soda for radiation detox (as used at Los Alamos!), anti-nuke year-end donation sites and of course, a reminder to help get petitions signed to get the California anti-nuke Initiative on the November, 2012 ballot.