Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat - Vermont Yankee activist Hattie Nestel



Kick-ass interview w/Hattie Nestle, 73-year-old anti-nuke activist arrested on Feb. 13 at Vermont Yankee nuclear facility; Fukushima 2 in recriticality; NRC licenses two new nuclear reactors for Georgia; two quakes - 6.2 and 5.5 - at Fukushima within the past 24 hours; 1/3 of kids from Fukushima who were tested have "lumps" on their thyroids only 10 months after the accident; thousands march in Tokyo against nuclear energy; US Dept. of Energy laying the groundwork for "Life After 60" - the licensing extensions of antique nuclear reactors beyond the current 40 + 20 years; the healing power of green foods; and a special anti-nuclear valentine from Vermont.